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Golden retriever smiling at the camera on a trail.

Hi! I'm Denver

I'm a golden retriever living in Southern California. I'm just gettting started but am happy to make you smile. Check back soon for more content!

You can reach to my owners on Instagram or via email.

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  1. A dog and boy lay on the ground looking at each other.

    Denver made a few friends at the coffee shop this weekend. Most were a little noisier than this one.

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  2. A dog reaching for a ball under a couch as seen from the other side.

    I swear he intentionally loses these tenis balls under the couch so I have to help him...

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  3. Golden retriever puppy laying in the grass while an adult golden is mid-jump behind it.

    Just playin’ w/ my new big sis Bailey 🎀 do you think she likes me yet??

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