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From my first 48 hours in my new home 🏡 I mostly learned how to act cool around my new big sis, which toys are mine (anything fluffy or on the ground honestly), and that being on the green fuzzy gets me treats while peeing on the white fuzzy means “no” - not totally sure what that means yet tho so 🤷🏼‍♂️

A golden puppy sits in front of a dog bowl with it's tongue haning out. Looking down on a puppy caught up in a towel at a woman's feet. Golden puppy prancing across a green yard. Adult and puppy golden retriever lay on the floor looking at the camera with their front paws barely touching. Closeup of a golden retriever puppy with a 'Denver' name tag sitting in a person's lap in the passenger's seat.

Posted by @denveratyourservice and shared to